
Sing Unburied Sing رمان آواز اجساد بی گور

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کتاب رمان آواز اجساد بی گور Sing, Unburied, Sing اثر جسمین وارد Jesmyn Ward

عنوان:  Sing , Unburied , Sing
نویسنده: Jesmyn Ward
ژانر: داستانی، رئالیسم جادویی

تعداد رای دهندگان به اثر: بیش از 48.500 نفر

شرح و توضیحات کتاب رمان Sing, Unburied, Sing (آواز اجساد بی گور) نوشته جسمین وارد:

بسیاری از منتقدین باور دارند که این رمان کتابیه که همه مردم باید حداقل یکبار آن را مطالعه کنند. داستان پر پیچ و خم به همراه عناصر ژانر رئالیسم جادویی جذابیت این اثر رو دو چندان کرده است.
زبان شیوا و قدرت قلم Jesmyn Ward داستان رو طوری منعکس کرده که از درون این داستان میتوانبه درون خودمون نگاهی عمیق بیندازیم. دردی را که شخصیت های داستان میکشند  لمس میکنیم و حقایق بسیاری رو درک خواهیم کرد.
“آواز بخوان، دفن نشده آواز بخوان” سفریست به درون گذشته و حال، که حقایق تلخی رو باز گو میکنه.

پسر 13 ساله ای  به نام Jojo میخواهد معنای مرد بودن رو بفهمد. اما هیچکس به اندازه پدر سفید پوستش Michael نمی تواند این معنا را انتقال دهد.
مادرسیاه پوستش Leonie  تمام تلاشش را برای فرزنداش میکنه اما هیچوفت نتوانسته آن ها را مهمتر از مواد مخدرش بداند. روح برادر کشته شده اش گاهی باعث تسکین و گاهی فرشته عذاب اوست.

زمانی که پدر بچه هاش از زندان آزاد میشه Leonie به سمت شهر می سی سی پی رانندگی می کند تا همسرش را پس از آزادی از زندان سوار کنه. اما وقتی وارد آن شهر می شود روح یک پسر بچه 13 ساله دیگه شروع به آزار و گاهی نصیحت Jojo میکنه. روحی که شبیه به پدرش است.  این روح چیز های بسیاری رو راجع به پدران، فرزندان، خشونت و عشق به Jojoفرا می دهد.

رمانی عجیب و بسیار خواندنی از وضعیت آشفته یک خانواده، از شخصیت هایی که با همدلی جالبی ترسیم شده اند.

*Finalist for the Kirkus Prize
*Finalist for the Andrew Carnegie Medal

*Finalist for the Aspen Words Literary Prize
*Publishers Weekly Top 10 of 2017
*Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award

A finalist for the Kirkus Prize, Andrew Carnegie Medal, Aspen Words Literary Prize, and a New York Times bestseller, this majestic, stirring, and widely praised novel from two-time National Book Award winner Jesmyn Ward, the story of a family on a journey through rural Mississippi, is a “tour de force” (O, The Oprah Magazine) and a timeless work of fiction that is destined to become a classic.

In Jesmyn Ward’s first novel since her National Book Award–winning Salvage the Bones, this singular American writer brings the archetypal road novel into rural twenty-first-century America. An intimate portrait of a family and an epic tale of hope and struggle, Sing, Unburied, Sing journeys through Mississippi’s past and present, examining the ugly truths at the heart of the American story and the power—and limitations—of family bonds.

Jojo is thirteen years old and trying to understand what it means to be a man. He doesn’t lack in fathers to study, chief among them his Black grandfather, Pop. But there are other men who complicate his understanding: his absent White father, Michael, who is being released from prison; his absent White grandfather, Big Joseph, who won’t acknowledge his existence; and the memories of his dead uncle, Given, who died as a teenager.

His mother, Leonie, is an inconsistent presence in his and his toddler sister’s lives. She is an imperfect mother in constant conflict with herself and those around her. She is Black and her children’s father is White. She wants to be a better mother but can’t put her children above her own needs, especially her drug use. Simultaneously tormented and comforted by visions of her dead brother, which only come to her when she’s high, Leonie is embattled in ways that reflect the brutal reality of her circumstances.

When the children’s father is released from prison, Leonie packs her kids and a friend into her car and drives north to the heart of Mississippi and Parchman Farm, the State Penitentiary. At Parchman, there is another thirteen-year-old boy, the ghost of a dead inmate who carries all of the ugly history of the South with him in his wandering. He too has something to teach Jojo about fathers and sons, about legacies, about violence, about love.

Rich with Ward’s distinctive, lyrical language, Sing, Unburied, Sing is a majestic new work and an unforgettable family story.

توضیحات تکمیلی


Jesmyn Ward





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