
Mathematics for the IB Diploma Standard Level

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Mathematics for the IB Diploma Standard Level

vi Introduction Structure of the bookTh e book is split roughly into four blocks. Chapters 1 to 7 cover algebra and functions, chapters 8 to 11 cover geometry, chapters 12 to 15 cover calculus, and chapters 16 to 18 cover probability and statistics. Chapter 19 contains questions that mix together diff erent parts of the course – a favourite trick in International Baccalaureate®(IB) examinations.You do not have to work through the book in the order presented, but given how much the IB likes to mix up topics, you will fi nd that some questions refer to material in previous chapters. In such cases, a ‘rewind panel’ will tell you that the material has been covered earlier, so that you can decide whether to remind yourself or move on.In the book we have tried to include only material that will be examinable. Th ere are many proofs and ideas that are useful and interesting but which are not included in the main text; these can be found on the CD-ROM should you wish to explore them.Each chapter starts with a list of learning objectives which give you an idea about what the chapter contains. Th ere is also an introductory problem that illustrates what you will be able to do aft er you have completed the chapter. Some introductory problems relate to ‘real life’ situations, while others are purely mathematical. You should not expect to be able to solve the problem at the start, but you may want to think about possible strategies and what sort of new facts and methods would help you. Th e solution to the introductory problem is provided at the end of the chapter, aft er the summary of the chapter contents.Key point boxesTh e most important ideas and formulae are emphasised in the Key point boxes. Th ey also highlight which formulae are given in the Formula booklet.Worked examplesEach worked example is split into two columns. On the right is what you should write down in your solution. Sometimes examples may go into more detail than you strictly need, but they are designed to give you an idea of what is required to score full method marks in examinations. Mathematics, however, is about much more than remembering methods and preparing for examinations. So, on the leftof each worked example are notes that describe the thought processes and suggest which approach you could use to tackle the question. We hope that these will Introduction© Cambridge University Press 2012.Not for printing, sharing or distribution.

Mathematics for the IB Diploma Standard Level :

Introduction viihelp you learn how to solve problems that diff er from the worked examples. It is very deliberate that some of the exercise questions require you to do more than just repeat the methods in the worked examples – mathematics is about thinking!SignpostsTh ere are several kinds of boxes that appear throughout the book.Theory of knowledge issuesEvery lesson is really a ‘theory of knowledge’ lesson, but sometimes the connections may not be obvious. Although mathematics is frequently cited as an example of certainty and truth, things are oft en not so clear-cut. In these boxes we will try to highlight some of the weaknesses and ambiguities in mathematics, as well as showing how mathematics links to other areas of knowledge.From another perspective Mathematics is oft en described as a unifi ed international language, but the International Baccalaureate encourages looking at things in various ways. As well as highlighting some diff erences between mathematicians from diff erent parts of the world, these boxes also discuss other perspectives on the mathematics we are covering – historical, pragmatic and cultural.Research explorerAs part of your course, you will be asked to write a report on an area of mathematics beyond the syllabus, related to a topic that changes from year to year. It is sometimes diffi cult to know which topics are suitable as a basis for such reports, so we have tried to show where a topic can act as a jumping-off point for further work. Th ese can also give you ideas for the extended essay. Th ere is a lot of great mathematics out there!Exam hintsAlthough we encourage you to think of mathematics as more than just a subject to be studied in order to pass an examination, it is useful to be aware of some common errors so that you can try to avoid making them yourself. In these boxes we highlight common pitfalls; we also point out where graphical calculators can be used eff ectively to simplify a question or speed up your work, oft en referring to the relevant calculator skills sheet on the CD-ROM.Fast forward / Rewind Mathematics is all about making links. You might be interested in seeing how something you have just learned will be used elsewhere in the course, or you may need to go back and remind yourself of a previous topic. Th ese boxes indicate connections with other sections of the book to help you fi nd your way aroun


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Product details
ASIN : 110761306X
Publisher : Cambridge University Press; Reprint edition (13 Sept. 2012)
Language : English
Paperback : 679 pages
ISBN-10 : 9781107613065
ISBN-13 : 978-1107613065
Dimensions : 19.05 x 2.54 x 25.4 cm

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